Jakarta Annual Inflation Calming Down In May 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Annual Inflation Calming Down In May 2023

Release Date : June 5, 2023
File Size : 3.68 MB


In May 2023, year on year (yoy) inflation in the capital city was observed to fall. The price correction after Eid and the abundant supply of goods and services pushed the year on year (yoy) inflation in Jakarta to depreciate. The decline in inflation since March 2023 has continued into this month. This was the third decline in the first five months of 2023.
Jakarta year on year (yoy) inflation was 3.52 percent, down 0.17 percentage points compared to the previous month. Commodities with a high inflation contribution, which were the main triggers of inflation were gasoline (0.781 percent), house contracts (0.310 percent), and rice (0.208 percent).
On the other hand, on a month-to-month (mtm) basis, Jakarta experienced the first deflation in 2023. Jakarta deflation was recorded at 0.10 percent. The decline in air transport fares (0.065 percent), spinach prices (0.017 percent) and headscarf (0.007 percent) were the main contributors to deflation in May 2023. However, the increase in prices of shallots (0.022 percent) and garlic (0.017 percent) prevented the inflation rate not to depreciate further.
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