Jakarta Inflation Cools Down In The Beginning Of 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Inflation Cools Down In The Beginning Of 2023

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 3.77 MB


Amid the effects of high rainfall and world gold price pressure, Jakarta year-on-year (yoy) inflation in early 2023 fell compared to the previous month. A number of goods and services experienced price increases, but some others experienced a decrease in price so that the inflation rate could be reduced.
In January 2023, year-on-year (yoy) inflation in Jakarta was recorded at 3.85 percent, 0.38 percentage points lower than the earlier month which reached 4.21 percent. However, this figure was far above yoy inflation in January last year, which was only 1.85 percent.
The main triggers for yoy inflation in January 2023 include gasoline, house contracts, and household fuels. These commodities did not experience price increases this month, but the effect of price increases in the previous months still dominated so that on a year on year (yoy) basis, the share of these commodities was quite high.
Meanwhile, on a month-to-month (mtm) basis, Jakarta inflation was recorded at 0.09 percent, down 0.46 percentage points from last month’s inflation. The main contributors to inflation this time were rice, gold jewelery.
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