Jakarta Inflation Eased Slightly on an Annual Basis - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Inflation Eased Slightly on an Annual Basis

Release Date : November 1, 2022
File Size : 3.57 MB


After inflation spike last month due to an increase in fuel oil (BBM), in October 2022 inflation was observed to ease slightly. The price index for most goods and services only slightly increased compared to last year. Therefore, Jakarta  year on year (yoy) inflation was slightly lower than previous month. Meanwhile, on month-to-month (mtm) basis, there was mild deflation this month.
Jakarta experienced inflation of 4.47 percent (yoy), down 0.14 percentage points from last month’s inflation of 4.61 percent (yoy). The top commodities contributing to inflation this time were gasoline (1.055 percent), air transport services (0.319 percent), household fuels (0.290 percent), house rentals (0.157 percent) and house contracts (0.130 percent).
Up to this month, inflation in Jakarta was relatively lower than other cities in Indonesia. Jakarta was ranked 85th out of 90 cities with the highest to lowest inflation rates. Meanwhile, compared to satellite cities, Jakarta was the city with the lowest yoy inflation. Four cities around Jakarta experienced higher inflation, namely Depok (6.24 percent), Bogor (5.96 percent), Bekasi (5.75), and Tangerang (5.17 percent).
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