Annual Jakarta In lation Slows Slightly in November 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Annual Jakarta In lation Slows Slightly in November 2022

Release Date : December 1, 2022
File Size : 3.58 MB


In the midst of continuously fluctuating price pressure, Jakarta annual inflation in November 2022 was observed to have fallen compared to the previous month. Jakarta experienced inflation of 4.11 percent (yoy), 0.36 percentage points lower than last month’s yoy inflation which was recorded at 4.47 percent. Commodities with the highest share of annual inflation this time were rising commodity prices of gasoline (1.045 percent), household fuels (0.293 percent) and air transport (0.264 percent).
On a month to month (mtm) basis, Jakarta experienced inflation of 0.05 percent. This was triggered by the high contribution of gold jewelry (0.014 percent),house rents (0.013 percent), and tomatoes (0.012 percent). Until November 2022, the year to date (ytd) inflation rate was 3.64 percent.
Compared to other cities in Indonesia, Jakarta inflation (yoy) was relatively low. Jakarta was ranked 87 out of 90 cities with the highest inflation. Furthermore, among satellite cities, Jakarta inflation was the lowest. This was because four cities around Jakarta experienced higher inflation, namely Depok (6.07 percent), Bogor (5.89 percent), Bekasi (5.46 percent) and Tangerang (4.83 percent).
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