Socialization of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Socialization of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in 2022

Socialization of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in 2022

June 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

Jakarta, June 7, 2022, located at the Mercure Cikini Hotel, BPS DKI Jakarta Province held a Socialization on the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics in 2022. This activity aims to disseminate information regarding the implementation of sectoral statistics and procedures for requesting statistical recommendations for statistical activities in regional offices/agencies whose results are published for public. This activity was opened by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta Province, Anggoro Dwitjahyono, who conveyed the importance of data in decision making as also mandated by the President. IPDS Function Coordinator, Dwino Daries, acted as resource person who delivered material related to statistical recommendations and metadata of statistical activities. In this activity, a quiz was also conducted to see the level of participants' focus on the material.
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