Inauguration of the Head of the Central Statistics Agency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Inauguration of the Head of the Central Statistics Agency

Inauguration of the Head of the Central Statistics Agency

June 25, 2021 | Other Activities

Friday, June 25, 2021. The entire series of selections for the Head of BPS RI have ended. This morning, DR. Margo Yuwono, SSi, MSi has been legally appointed by the Head of Bappenas, Suharso Monoarfa, as the new Head of BPS RI. After the inauguration ceremony, Margo Yuwono gave a brief inaugural direction while maintaining health protocols.

Congratulations and success on the inauguration and taking the oath of office of Dr. Margo Yuwono, SSi, MSi as Head of the Central Statistics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. Hopefully always Professional, Integrity and Trustworthy
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