Development of Statistical Agency Statistical Corner State University of Jakarta - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Development of Statistical Agency Statistical Corner State University of Jakarta

Development of Statistical Agency Statistical Corner State University of Jakarta

September 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

Jakarta, September 15, 2022, located in the 2nd Floor Vicon Room, BPS DKI Jakarta Province in collaboration with BPS RI and State University of Jakarta carried out the Development of Statistical Agents in the Statistical Corner of Jakarta State University. Joseph Christoffel and Alifa Putri Wijaya acted as resource persons from BPS RI. Also present were employees from the IPDS Function, UNJ representatives and students who will become statistical agents at UNJ. The purpose of this activity is to introduce the Statistical Corner as well as the procedures for organizing the Statistical Corner at UNJ to the Statistical Corner Agents so that they can carry out services in the Statistics Corner after being inaugurated later.
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