BPS IPDS Function Coordination Meeting: Improve Sectoral Statistics Development - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS IPDS Function Coordination Meeting: Improve Sectoral Statistics Development

BPS IPDS Function Coordination Meeting: Improve Sectoral Statistics Development

November 8, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS continues to make various efforts as the statistical supervisory institution in Indonesia to improve the quality of statistics, including the quality of sectoral statistics.

Located in Yogyakarta (1-5 November), BPS held a Coordination Meeting (Rakor) which brought together implementers of sectoral statistical development activities at the center, regions, and recipients of guidance from ministries/institutions/regional apparatuses.

This activity aims to formulate appropriate sectoral statistical development activities according to needs. The coordination meeting was opened by the Deputy of Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS, Imam Machdi.

Plans for changes were also agreed, including the development of a coaching strategy to be adopted by provincial and district/city BPS, the use of enumeration areas with Local Environmental Units whose content is from SP2020 data, and standardization of government data administration.

In addition, big data and open government in GSPM are increasingly being utilized through the Integrated Statistical Infrastructure System (Synthesis), the continuous implementation of the Statistical Corner by involving the participation of FORSTAT and ISI, the application of standardization of publications referring to the new guidelines, as well as SMART employee performance management ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-based).
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