Head of BPS Goes Down the Field - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Head of BPS Goes Down the Field

Head of BPS Goes Down the Field

March 11, 2022 | BPS Activities

Friday (11/3), Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono accompanied by Deputy for Methodology and Statistical Information of BPS, Imam Machdi directly inspected the data collection of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) as well as Geospatial Updates and Statistical Work Area Content (Wilkerstat) for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) in Kelurahan Koja and Kelurahan Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta.

Susenas and Wilkerstat Updating are two field activities currently being carried out by BPS.

In addition to seeing the data collection process firsthand, the BPS leadership's review is also expected to encourage BPS officers in the field.

The head of BPS also discussed with BPS staff of DKI Jakarta Province before going to the field.

For those of you who have been selected as samples for current BPS activities, don't forget to welcome the arrival of the officers and give the correct answer, yes!
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