BPS Goes To Campus - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS Goes To Campus

BPS Goes To Campus

December 20, 2019 | BPS Activities

December 20, 2019
BPS DKI Jakarta and @sksg_ui collaborated in the BPS Goes To Campus event with the theme Utilizing Population Data for Academics.
The event was opened by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta and continued with a presentation by Nashrul Wajdi, Head of Sub-Directorate for Demographic Statistics, BPS RI with the theme of the 2020 Population Census Supporting Development in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0.
The material was continued by Rocky Gunung, Chairman of the SP2020 BPS DKI Jakarta Secretariat with the theme of Utilizing Population Census Data in Research.
The event was also enlivened with quizzes and also voice chants by Purnama Silalahi @kireidahikari.
With this event, it is hoped that students at @univ_indonesia and @sksg_ui will be more familiar with the use of Population Census data for research. And participate in the success of the #CensusPenresiden2020 #MencatatIndonesia 15 February -31 March 2019.
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