BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in the Website Management Category - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in the Website Management Category

BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in the Website Management Category

October 6, 2021 | BPS Activities

On the commemoration of National Statistics Day (HSN) 2021, BPS DKI Jakarta Province also won the Third Place Winner of the Statistical Dissemination Award for the Website Management Category. Awards in the BPS website management category are carried out based on several assessment criteria, namely: the number of main content displayed on the website, the percentage of the subject menu to static and dynamic tables, the amount of supporting content which includes strategic indicator variables (specifically provincial websites), graphics and running text, Unique visitors, Average content change per month as well as year series dynamic table. This achievement is expected to motivate BPS DKI Jakarta Province to further improve its services to data users.
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