Website and Mapping Software Training 2013 BPS DKI Jakarta Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Website and Mapping Software Training 2013 BPS DKI Jakarta Province

Website and Mapping Software Training 2013 BPS DKI Jakarta Province

March 14, 2013 | BPS Activities

Thursday, March 14, 2013, at BIPI Building, Lt. 4 Cempaka Putih, BPS DKI Jakarta Province conducted a Website and Mapping Software Training 2013 BPS DKI Jakarta Province. This training is in order to support one of the strategic goals of BPS as stated in the BPS Strategic Plan, namely "Improving the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Dissemination of Statistical Data and Information", BPS DKI Jakarta Province in this case the Division of Integration of Statistical Processing and Dissemination (IPDS) held training on website and mapping software as an effort to increase the capacity of human resources at BPS Regency/City throughout DKI Jakarta with the participants being the heads of the IPDS section of the Regency/City Administration in DKI Jakarta and their staff.
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