BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in Sectoral/Special Statistical Metadata Category - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in Sectoral/Special Statistical Metadata Category

BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Third Place in Sectoral/Special Statistical Metadata Category

October 6, 2021 | BPS Activities

The Statistical Dissemination Award was also won by BPS DKI Jakarta Province for the Sectoral/Special Statistical Metadata Category. BPS DKI Jakarta Province ranks III in this category.
The Dissemination of Statistics Award is a form of BPS appreciation to BPS PST units throughout Indonesia who have been committed to providing the best service to data users. This award is expected to motivate BPS DKI Jakarta Province to provide better services to the community. The collection of sectoral/specific statistical metadata is a routine activity carried out by PST BPS throughout Indonesia to collect metadata from all sectoral/special statistical activities organized by local government agencies.
This collection refers to Government Regulation Number 51 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of Statistics and Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data. Metadata is data from data or information about data. Metadata then becomes one of the components that data must have or accompany data so that it can be easily understood by data users.
The assessment criteria used in the sectoral/specific statistical metadata category is the number of sectoral/specific statistical metadata collected and verified. BPS PST work units with more number of documents received a higher rank than those with fewer metadata documents.
This achievement is the result of good cooperation that has been built by BPS DKI Jakarta Province with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Communication, Information and Statistics Office as the Data Guardian and all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government as Data Producers. Hopefully, this award will be the starting point for collaboration between all parties in building an advanced Jakarta, its citizens are happy.
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