September 3, 2015 | Other Activities
ASSESSMENT TEST FOR BPS STATISTICS DKI JAKARTA PROVINCE EMPLOYEE will be held on 8-9 September 2015, The head of BPS Statistics DKI Jakarta province gathered the employee for that reason.
Assessment Test Is Not Like “A Test”
When Competency certificate is introduced to travel agent industry, a new term “competency test” rise. Competency test is needed to get the competency certificate. What comes to mind hearing “competency test” word is we have to study and read the books. Another things are what happen if we fail to pass the test, how to bear the shame and how to be responsible to the company, etc.
Actually, competency test is not like “a test” that we imagine. Competency test is an assessment. It is a process to verify that some one has a skill against on competency based on the evidences.
Assessment is an evidence Searching
Nowadays, the word of assessment has been widely used. Basically, assessment is a process of evidence searching. Assessment method which also has been standardized by Badan Nasional Sertifikasi Profesi (BNSP) / Profession Certification National Board uses some methods. To prove that some one is competent on his proffesion, we don’t have always to use the same method. The used method depends on the capability and psycological condition of assessment pasticipants. Method of evidence searching can be through portfolio, observation, interview, output and also test. It means that the assessment participants do not need to exert their thoughts to prove that they are competent.
Proof of Competency refers to KUK
Assessment is a searching of competency evidences of profession and the referrence of proof is Kriteria Unjuk Kerja (KUK) / criteria performance which is include in unit-unit Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) / Indonesian National Work Competence Standard. The point of this proof is whether some one can understand and able to do the job as specified in KUK. The next question is how many KUK should be proven to get the competency certificate. The number of proven KUK depends on the profession and classifiaction of position of the assessment participants. Every position has different certification scheme, especially in term of number of the unit contents. The more of unit the more of KUK should be proven.
How long does it takes to follow assessment test ?
The more KUK should be proven the longer time we need. But it is not happen in LSP-ATDA, because the assessor has been already provided with the Materi Uji Kompetensi (MUK) / Competency Test Material which is practical and sistematic. So, the required time to follow assessment depends on the capability of every participants. But generally the assessor can predict the required time to do assessment of the participants, based on pre assessment and self assessment that have done.
Pre Assessment
A good LSP will conduct all assessment procedure properly accordance with the rules and the regulations of BNSP. Among others is doing the pre assessment. The most important of pre test is to inform the pasticipants about the competency standard and even job details will be on assessment, so the participants will understand what kind of assessment that they take. When the participants enroll the assessment, they are able to ensure themselves whether they can take the assessment or not. Pre assessment as a filter for LSP-ATDA, because assessment will be discontinued for the participants who do not master in their job or competency level, including their mental readiness.
Self Assessment
One of the assessment process stages is self assessment. Self assessment is the ability to self assess. By doing honestly self assessment, participants will know whether they can continue the assessment. Even both for the participants and the assessor can predict the possibility of assessment result whether it is competent or not. So, when they are on assessment, they already prepare themselves because they already know at what level their competency is.
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