BPS DKI Jakarta Province Won Second Place in the Statistics Service Management Category - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS DKI Jakarta Province Won Second Place in the Statistics Service Management Category

BPS DKI Jakarta Province Won Second Place in the Statistics Service Management Category

October 6, 2021 | BPS Activities

A proud achievement was achieved by BPS DKI Jakarta Province on the commemoration of National Statistics Day (HSN) 2021. BPS DKI Jakarta Province won 2nd Place in the Statistical Dissemination Award for the category of Management of Statistical Services. The Statistical Dissemination Award is an award given to the big family of BPS throughout Indonesia which is considered the best in organizing public service activities. The assessment for this category is obtained from the backend Statistical Service Information System (Syllastic) monitoring dashboard which is a system in the Provincial BPS-Statistics Indonesia Integrated Statistics Service (PST) unit to record every service transaction history to data users so that it is well documented, transparent, and accountable. The criteria used in the evaluation of statistical service management include the number of transactions inputted through the backend Silastik, the number of features that have been utilized, and the continuity of the use of the Silastic Backend by the Provincial BPS in the period January - September 2021.
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