Regional Reconciliation of Construction Cost Index (IKK) 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Regional Reconciliation of Construction Cost Index (IKK) 2021

Regional Reconciliation of Construction Cost Index (IKK) 2021

May 4, 2021 | BPS Activities

This activity will be held online on 4 and 5 May 2021 through a zoom meeting. The participants of this activity consisted of 1 (one) facilitator from the Central BPS Wholesale Price Statistics Sub-Directorate, 1 (one) Resource Person from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Highways Service, 9 (nine) participants from BPS DKI Jakarta Province, and 13 (nine) participants. thirteen) participants from BPS Regency/City. The 2021 IKK Data Reconciliation aims to compare IKK price data between cities and between commodities so that there is a reasonable diversity of data that should exist in DKI Jakarta; Adjusting the types and quality of commodities recorded in the inter-city Construction Costly Price Survey in DKI Jakarta, if there is a difference, it must be explained in detail what the cause is and action is taken by reconfirming it to the officer to be decided in the national reconciliation; Produce integrated IKK data and describe changes in the prices of construction goods in DKI Jakarta for 1 year and are materials that will be brought in the National IKK Data Reconciliation; Produce up to date and accurate IKK data so that they can be used as material for calculating the IKK nationally.
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