IKK Data Reconciliation for Construction Cost Index - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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IKK Data Reconciliation for Construction Cost Index

IKK Data Reconciliation for Construction Cost Index

April 10, 2019 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, April 10, 2019, at the Orchadz Hotel Kemayoran, the IKK Data Reconciliation was carried out in the context of the Construction Cost Index. The implementation of the IKK Data Reconciliation activity in the context of the DKI Jakarta BPS Construction Cost Index was initiated by the opening and direction by the Head of the DKI Jakarta BPS, namely Ir. Thoman Pardosi, SE., M.Si. The facilitator for the IKK Data Reconciliation activity in the context of the DKI Jakarta BPS Construction Costliness Index comes from the Central Statistics Agency as many as 2 (two) people consisting of: 1 (one) employee of the Head of Section for Evaluation and Reporting of Wholesale Price Statistics and 1 (one) staff of Staff Wholesale Price Statistics Processing Section. The training was held for 3 days, from 10-12 April 2019.
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