IKK Data Reconciliation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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IKK Data Reconciliation

IKK Data Reconciliation

May 23, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tuesday, May 23, 2023. BPS DKI Jakarta Province held Reconciliation of Construction Expensive Index Data (IKK) results of the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2022 and the results of the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2023 enumeration at Novotel Jakarta Gajah Mada. This activity lasted for 2 effective days, 23-24 May 2023. This activity was attended by participants from Regencies/Cities throughout DKI Jakarta and also representatives from the DKI Jakarta Province Diskominfotics. The 2023 Construction Expensive Index (IKK) Data Reconciliation activity was opened by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta Province. In his remarks, the Head of DKI Jakarta Provincial BPS said that reconciliation of IKK data between Regencies/Cities in DKI Jakarta needs to be done to see data comparability and in order to improve the quality of IKK data. The facilitator from BPS RI, Kanti Sulihwangi in this activity delivered material on IKK and guided the process of data reconciliation. The IKK data is a price index that describes the level of construction cost of a district/city compared to a reference city. The IKK data is obtained from the results of the Construction Expensive Price Survey specifically for building/construction materials, heavy equipment rental, and construction service wages carried out in all districts/cities in Indonesia. IKK is one of the main components used for calculating the General Allocation Fund (DAU).
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