Training for DPP and DUTL Updating Data Collection Officers - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Training for DPP and DUTL Updating Data Collection Officers

Training for DPP and DUTL Updating Data Collection Officers

May 27, 2022 | BPS Activities

On 27-28 May 2022 BPS DKI Jakarta Province held training for officers of Updating Directory of Agricultural Companies (DPP) and Directory of Other Agricultural Businesses (DUTL) ST2023 Year 2022. The training was carried out face-to-face for 2 effective days and took place at the Yuan Garden Hotel Pasar Baru . This training aims to obtain officers who can carry out updating activities for DPP and DUTL ST2023 properly in accordance with established procedures and concepts. The trained officers consist of Enumerators, Examiners, Supervisors/Admins and District/City BPS Viewers. In addition, the training was also attended by representatives of Pokja ST 2023 from the KPKP and BKSD offices. Learning is done by providing the material face-to-face by carrying out the fun learning method so that participants can receive the material easily. The training was also followed by the provision of case examples and question and answer discussions with the training participants. To measure the level of understanding of the officers, a pretest, 2 (two) quizzes and a post test were conducted. At the end of the training, it was announced that the 3 (three) best participants from the group of enumerators, namely Aries Kristianty (South Jakarta), Hendriyarto (Jakut) and Diah Dwi Paryani (Kep. Seribu). In addition to direct learning, games are also carried out in accordance with the material presented, namely determining the suitability of commodities with sub-sectors.
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