Training Officer for Updating Geospatial Framework and Payload Wilkerstat ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Training Officer for Updating Geospatial Framework and Payload Wilkerstat ST2023

Training Officer for Updating Geospatial Framework and Payload Wilkerstat ST2023

May 19, 2022 | BPS Activities

Thursday, May 19, 2022, BPS DKI Jakarta Province carried out the Training for Processing Officers for Updating the Geospatial Framework and Wilkerstat ST2023. This activity was held face-to-face at the Golden Boutique Hotel Kemayoran on 19-20 May 2022 and was officially opened by the Head of BPS DKI Jakarta Province, Anggoro Dwitjahyono.

BPS will conduct an Agricultural Census in 2023. In preparing for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023), the Directorate of Census and Survey Methodology Development will update the master framework as a planning basis for the ST2023 implementation. Unlike the previous Agricultural Census, the master framework that was built was not only on the content of the statistical work area (wilkerstat), but also related to the preparation of the geospatial framework of agricultural land. In March 2022, the Wilkerstat ST2023 Geospatial Framework and Loading Update field activity was held. Currently, these activities have reached the processing stage, which begins with training of processing officers.

The training participants consist of organic employees and statistical partners who will later process the field results of the Wilkerstat ST2023 Geospatial Framework and Loading Update activity. This processing activity consists of Content Processing and Map Processing which will later be used in the implementation of ST2023. It is hoped that participants in this training can understand the material presented by the National Instructor well so that processing can run smoothly, on time and with quality.
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