Exports and Imports of DKI Jakarta, March 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Exports and Imports of DKI Jakarta, March 2024

Release Date : May 2, 2024
File Size : 4.64 MB


Export :
  • Jakarta’s export value in March 2024 reached US$1,140.54 million, an increase of 47.57 percent compared to February 2024. Compared to March 2023, the export value increased by 15.67 percent.
  • Oil and gas exports were US$2.93 million, dropped 1.21 percent compared to February 2024, and rose 46.85 percent compared to exports in March 2023.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in March 2024 were valued at US$1,137.61 million, increased 47.75 percent compared to February 2024, and increased 15.60 percent compared to March 2023.
  • The commodities with the largest decline compared to February 2024 were Precious metals and jewelry/precious stones, amounting to US$255.17 million (522.17 percent). The increase in exports occurred in ten main export commodities
  • By sector, non-oil and gas exports from the processing industry in March 2024 rose 13.78 percent compared to the same month in 2023. Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries exports rose 38.50 percent, while mining and other exports fell 62.51 percent.
  • The largest exports in March 2024 were to Singapore, namely US$178.93 million, followed by the China US$145.36 million and Hongkong US$93.68 million, with the contribution of the three reaching 36.65 percent.
  • Cumulative exports in January-March 2024 amounted to US$2.75 billion, which fell 2.66 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.

 Import :

  • Imports of Jakarta in March 2024 were worth US$ 5,440.87 million, which decreased by 5.29 percent compared with February 2024, or decreased by 24.88 percent compared to March 2023.
  • Imports of oil and gas in March 2024 were worth US$ 257.10 million, which increased by 15.78 percent compared to February 2024 and increased by 49.05 percent compared to March 2023.
  • Imports of non-oil and gas in March 2024 were worth US$ 5,183.77 million, which fell by 6.13 percent compared to February 2024 and fell by 26.69 percent compared to March 2023.
  • The most significant import increase in March 2024 was vehicles and accessories thereof, which rose by US$ 62.87 million (12.96 percent). On the contrary, cereals experienced the highest decrease by US$ 47.16 million (minus 32.54 percent).
  • Based on the broad economic categories classification, compared with February 2024, imports of intermediate goods in March 2024 increased by US$ 51.78 million (1.46 percent). On the contrary, the import of capital goods decreased by US$ 299.86 million (minus 21.24 percent), followed by consumption goods by US$ 55.61 million (minus 7.06 percent).
  • The largest trading partner countries imports in January-March 2024 were China with US$ 6,561.34 million (38.06 percent), Japan with US$ 1.838.37 million (10.66 percent), and Thailand with US$ 1,493.10 million (8.66 percent)
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