Export in September reached US$ 963,38 milion, decreasing 1.64 percent compared to August 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Export in September reached US$ 963,38 milion, decreasing 1.64 percent compared to August 2023

Release Date : November 1, 2023
File Size : 1.05 MB


Jakarta’s export value in September 2023 reached US$963.38 million, fell by 1.64 percent compared to August 2023 or decreased by 5.46 percent compared to September 2022.
  • September 2023, oil and gas exports were US$2.26 million, fell by 10.23 percent compared to August 2023 or increased by 45.62 percent compared to September 2022.
  • September 2023, non-oil and gas exports were US$961.12 million, declined by 1.62 percent compared to August 2023 or decreased by 5.54 percent compared to September 2022.
  • According to main commodities group, five main commodities group decreased in September 2023. The commodity with the deepest decline compared to August 2023 was animal or vegetable fats and oils group at US$ 45.27 million (minus 30.06 percent).
  • The three main export destination countries that have the deepest decline compared to August 2023 were China at US$ 120.67 million (minus 18.05 percent), followed by Singapore at US$ 73.09 million (minus 14.07 percent), and Thailand at US$ 45. 50 million (minus 10.49 percent).
  • Compared to September 2022, five main commodities group decreased. Animal or vegetable fats and oils group fell the most by US$ 45.27 million (minus 47.60 percent).
  • According to the main destination countries, exports fell in five main countries compared to September 2022, namely the Philippines US$ 90.05 million (minus 35.91 percent), China US$ 120.67 million (minus 20.81 percent), Thailand US$ 45.50 million (minus 17.79 percent), Malaysia US$ 74.64 million (minus 13.62 percent), and Vietnam US$ 55.02 million (minus 11.68 percent)
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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