Jakarta Star Hotel Occupancy Slightly Decrease at The End of 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Star Hotel Occupancy Slightly Decrease at The End of 2022

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 2.55 MB


Along with the recovery of the tourism sector and the COVID-19 pandemic condition, which has been under control, optimism for developing the hotel industry has also increased. In general, the performance of the Jakarta hotel industry, as reflected in the room occupancy rate (TPK), showed progress compared to the previous year. Jakarta’s star hotel occupancy rate in December 2022 rose by 0.84 percentage points compared to the previous year. 
However, compared to the achievements in November 2022, Jakarta star hotel’s occupancy rate fell slightly by 1.18 percentage points to 59.63 percent. In more detail, the composition of guests staying at Jakarta star hotels comprised 92.51 percent Indonesian guests and 7.49 percent foreign guests.
On the other hand, the average length of stay for star hotel guests fell from 1.95 days to 1.74 days compared to the month before. The decline in the average length of stay of Indonesian and foreign guests (m-to-m) triggered this condition.
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