Jakarta Inflation Soars at the end of 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Inflation Soars at the end of 2021

Release Date : January 3, 2022
File Size : 3.57 MB


Closing 2021, Jakarta inflation has soared again, the highest throughout the year. Rising market demand, increasing people’s activities outside their home, and global economic turmoil have pushed prices up in Jakarta. Jakarta inflation in December 2021 was recorded at 0.45 percent, 0.05 percentage points higher than the previous month. The main triggers for inflation at the end of the year included increases in cooking oil prices, air transportation fares, and prices of chicken eggs, cayenne pepper, and red chilies. Nevertheless, Jakarta inflation throughout 2021 was quite under control. This was because year-to-date inflation was only 1.53 percent, 0.06 percentage point lower compared to last year, and still far below normal conditions in 2019 that reached 3.23 percent. In addition, compared to satellite cities around Jakarta, Jakarta inflation was the second lowest after Depok. Satellite cities experienced inflation between 0.33 percent and 0.69 percent.
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