Jakarta Economy Towards Recovery - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Economy Towards Recovery

Release Date : May 5, 2021
File Size : 0.85 MB


The  national  COVID-19  vaccination program  is  the  key  to  economic  recovery as  it  gains  optimism  in  progressing economic  activities.  It  was  reflected  on the  improvement  of  economic  growth.  In the 1st quarter of 2021, Jakarta’s economy contracted  by  1.65  percent  (y-on-y),  better than  the  previous  quarter’s  contraction  at 2.14 percent (y-on-y).

On  the  production  side,  the  economic recovery  was  supported  by  several  industries that  grew  relatively  high.  Health  Services  grew by  14.96  percent  as  aligned  with  the  existing COVID-19  countermeasures.  In  addition  to  it, Information  and  Communication  rose  by  7.90 percent  due  to  the  shift  in  people’s  lifestyles  to online activities. 

The  government  spending  which climbed  by  20.57  percent,  has  stimulated the  business  activities.  On  the  other  hand, the  national  vaccination  program  directly increased the confidence of business owners to accelerate the economic activities. 
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