Jakarta Economy Achieves Double-Digit Growth - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Economy Achieves Double-Digit Growth

Release Date : August 5, 2021
File Size : 1.14 MB


During  the  COVID-19  pandemic, Jakarta's economy has grown substantially. The  celebration  of  Eid  al-Fitr  and  the rising  income  due  to  the  Religious  Holiday Allowance  (THR)  and  the  13th  salary/ holiday  allowance  encouraged  aggregate demand  to  escalate.  In  addition,  the loosening  rules  for  business  activities  with certain  limitations  have  stimulated  the economic  recovery.  On  the  other  hand,  a deeply  contracted  economy  in  the  second quarter of 2020 provided a low base effect in calculating economic growth. As a result, this  situation  has  made  Jakarta's  economy grow by double digit.     
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