Jakarta Export Import at the Beginning of the Year 2021 Slump Again - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Export Import at the Beginning of the Year 2021 Slump Again

Release Date : March 1, 2021
File Size : 3.83 MB


Jakarta's export performance in early 2021 is again sluggish. The BPS of DKI Jakarta Province recorded that Jakarta's exports in January 2021 were valued at 845.75 million US dollars, down 3.53% from last December. The decline in exports was triggered by a decline in exports of electrical machinery / equipment, fish and shrimp, as well as animal / vegetable fats and oils. In line with exports, Jakarta's imports during January 2021 also decreased compared to the previous month. Jakarta's imports were recorded at 4,522.03 million US dollars, down 4.62% from the previous month. This is because imports from a number of major supplier countries fell by around 1.08 to 21.97 percent. The decline in imports in January occurred in the categories of consumption goods and capital goods, while raw and auxiliary materials edged up. This shows that there is still hope for an increase in the production of the manufacturing industry sector which can improve the economy of Jakarta.
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