EXIS Journal of Statistical Computational Economics and Social Sciences - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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EXIS Journal of Statistical Computational Economics and Social Sciences

EXIS Journal of Statistical Computational Economics and Social Sciences

December 31, 2022 | BPS Activities

Now, the Journal of Economics, Statistical Computing, and Social Sciences is here. The journal EXSIS is an electronic journal for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Statistics Center.

The EKSIS journal is published regularly every 1 (one) year, which starts with the publication of its first edition in December 2022 and is national in nature. The EKSIS journal accepts Scientific Writing (KTI) manuscripts from widyaiswara throughout Indonesia, state civil servants, researchers, as well as from other general writers, including undergraduate and postgraduate students. Manuscripts that can be published are KTI manuscripts of the type Research Papers, Short Research Papers, Technical Notes, Reviews and Innovations. The study areas cover the fields of Economics, Statistical Computing, Information and Social.

Immediately access the EKSIS Journal, which is available on the website http://bpsdki.my.id/openjournal
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