News from the 2016 Economics Census of Jabodetabek Internal Coordination Forum - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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News from the 2016 Economics Census of Jabodetabek Internal Coordination Forum

News from the 2016 Economics Census of Jabodetabek Internal Coordination Forum

September 15, 2015 | Other Activities

Head of BPS-Statistics Jakarta Province opening the 2016 Economics Census of Jabodetabek Internal Coordination Forum on Tuesday, 2015 September 15th, at Jakarta BPS-Statistics office. In his speech delivered that this forum is very important to improve coordination throughout Jabodetabek        BPS-Statistics to meet the 2016 Economic Census.
Economic Census is a great activity carried out by BPS-Statistics every 10 years. The 2016 Economic Census is the most difficult and complicated  census to be carried out by BPS-Statistics for data collection due to very broad scope. All economic activities will be covered except agriculture, both profit and non-profit activities.
Jabodetabek is an area which includes Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi, has economic’s potential in Indonesia Number of economic activities in this region according to the 2006 Economic Census about 4 million businesses/companies. In the year of 2016 estimated to 7 million businesses/companies. To implement the 2016 Economic Census in Jabodetabek area takes over 56 thousand census enumerators. These enumerators are recruited from the community and trained intensively for 4 days.
With the massive number of officials as well as a very broad scope, internal coordination between BPS-Statistics of Regencies/Cities throught out Jabodetabek is needed.

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