Getting to Know the Employment Indicators of the Advanced SP2020 Results - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Getting to Know the Employment Indicators of the Advanced SP2020 Results

Getting to Know the Employment Indicators of the Advanced SP2020 Results

December 28, 2022 | BPS Activities

What is Employment?
Friends of Data, the classification of working age in Indonesia follows international standards, which is 15 years or more. The population of working age that can be produced from the results of the Population Census are those who are in the working category.
Work is the activity of doing work with the intention of obtaining or helping to earn income or profit for at least one hour in the past week. For residents who temporarily do not work because they are sick or on leave, they are still considered to be working.
What are the business sectors and types of work covered? Come on, check out the infographic on #WednesdaySP this time!
Then, how will the employment conditions be in 2020? Look forward to the release of the results of the Advanced 2020 Population Census (Continued SP2020), dear Data Friends
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