Get to know the Advanced SP2020 Outcome Mobility Indicator - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Get to know the Advanced SP2020 Outcome Mobility Indicator

Get to know the Advanced SP2020 Outcome Mobility Indicator

December 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

What is Mobility?
Friends of Data, population mobility is part of the overall development process, as well as being the cause and recipient of the impact of changes in the economic and social structure of an area.
In addition, mobility is also one of the factors that influence population growth in an area, so that it becomes one of the main indicators collected in the Advanced 2020 Population Census (Continued SP2020).
Some indicators of mobility include lifetime migration, risen migration, total migration, international migration, migrant stocks and commuting.
Do you know Data Friends?
Lifetime migration shows that around 10.6 percent of Indonesia's population in 2015 resides in an area different from the area where they were born.
What are the differences between mobility indicators and what is the condition of each of these indicators in Indonesia? Come on, check out the infographic on #WednesdaySP this time!
So, what will population mobility be like in 2020? Look forward to the release of SP2020 results Continued, Data Friends…
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