Jakarta State University Statistical Corner Inauguration - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta State University Statistical Corner Inauguration

Jakarta State University Statistical Corner Inauguration

October 19, 2022 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, October 19, 2022, at Bung Hatta Hall, Jakarta State University, BPS DKI Jakarta Province in collaboration with Jakarta State University held the Inauguration of the Statistical Corner of Jakarta State University. The Statistical Corner is a collaborative service between BPS and Universities as a center for statistical services and promotions in Universities. The Statistical Corner carries the principles of collaboration, synergy and benefit. The Statistical Corner was initiated in order to answer the needs of academics and students for statistics. Head of BPS RI, Dr. Margo Yuwono, S.Si, M.Si, together with the Chancellor of the State University of Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Komarudin, M.Si, was also present to inaugurate the Statistical Corner as well as give a Public Lecture with the theme of the Statistical Corner in the Form of Collaboration for Quality Statistics, Prosperous Nation. It is hoped that this Statistical Corner can improve statistical literacy as well as bring statistical services closer to universities.
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