Rehearsal II ST2023 Thousand Islands Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Rehearsal II ST2023 Thousand Islands Regency

Rehearsal II ST2023 Thousand Islands Regency

September 27, 2022 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of the Republic of Indonesia monitors the activities of the Clean Rehearsal II for the 2023 Agricultural Census (GB II ST2023) in the Thousand Islands Regency. In the activity which was held on September 22-23, the Head of BPS RI, on this occasion represented by the Deputy for Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis, Moh Edy Mahmud S.Si, M.P together with the Director of Industrial Statistics, Aryanto S.Si, M.M, directly observed the activities GB II ST2023 field on Tidung Island, Payung Island and Pari Island, which are in the South Thousand Islands District. This supervision activity aims to find out problems in the field and ensure officers carry out activities according to SOPs. This direct review of the Deputy and Director is also expected to provide additional motivation and enthusiasm for BPS officers in the field.

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