rehearsal I ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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rehearsal I ST2023

rehearsal I ST2023

April 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

Arrived During Clean Rehearsal I ST2023
The 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) is the largest BPS data collection in the agricultural sector. Various preparation efforts have been started since last year.
The trial and dirty rehearsal stages will be completed in 2021. Now, it is time for BPS to hold a clean rehearsal.
In May 2022, Phase I of ST2023 rehearsal will be held in 4 locations.
Friends of Data want to know where it is located and what will be done during the ST2023 Clean Rehearsal? Check out the infographic on #KamiST!
Statmin also advised, if Sahabat Data is selected as the sample for the ST2023 Clean-up I, accept the arrival of the officers and give correct and honest answers.
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