North Jakarta ST2023 rehearsal II Instrument Trial - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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North Jakarta ST2023 rehearsal II Instrument Trial

North Jakarta ST2023 rehearsal II Instrument Trial

July 7, 2022 | BPS Activities

On July 7, 2022, the ST2023 Clean Rehearsal Instrument Trial was held in North Jakarta. The objectives of this activity include: (1) Testing the direct interview instrument and the CAPI Method that will be used in ST2023 through direct practice to respondents; (2) Materials in reviewing the methodology to be used in ST2023; (3) Testing the CAPI processing system to be used in ST2023; (4) Testing the instruments and methodologies that will be used in ST2023 for the DKI Jakarta Region using CAPI (5) Reviewing the instruments and methodologies that will be used in ST2023 for urban farming in urban areas.
The methodology used in the trial of the GB II instrument is an interview with the PAPI and CAPI/google form instruments on the census block of the target sample. The selected location for the GB II Trial is the result of initial identification by considering: priority of sub-sectors, ease of access to sample locations, current loading conditions in the field, diversity of commodities and sub-sectors as targets for instrument trials, and identification of the existence of group business units and company units. The GB II instrument trial was carried out by the ST2023 AGRO Team, BPS RI Subject Matter, DKI Jakarta Province BPS, and North Jakarta City BPS. Participants were divided into 6 teams and conducted a trial interview with 4 farmers in Rorotan Village and 2 farmers in Marunda Village.
Respondents who were sampled in Rorotan Village were on behalf of Dursin, Rohimi, Watmo, Selamet Riyadi and 2 farmers in Marunda Village on behalf of Kardipan and Rasita. Several problems arose when testing the data collection instrument, both using PAPI and using CAPI. For data collection using CAPI, there are still some invalid field validations and problems related to geotagging that do not appear. For data collection using PAPI, there are complaints about the column width being too small so that it is not enough to write the data collection results. In addition, there are also problems related to concepts and definitions that are not known by farmers so that when asked, they cannot understand the meaning.
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