BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Second Place in Favorite Booth for the BPS Province 2022 Innovation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Second Place in Favorite Booth for the BPS Province 2022 Innovation

BPS DKI Jakarta Province Wins Second Place in Favorite Booth for the BPS Province 2022 Innovation

March 30, 2022 | BPS Activities

A proud achievement was achieved by the DKI Jakarta BPS at the Provincial BPS Excellence Innovation Exhibition in the Long Form SP2020 National Coordination Meeting series of activities. The BPS Provincial Excellence Innovation Exhibition is one of the innovation exhibition events initiated by the Provincial BPS for all of Indonesia which will be held in Bandung, 27 - 30 March 2022. The awards at the Leading Innovation Exhibition are divided into two, namely the Best Innovation Expose and the Favorite Booth. The evaluation was carried out by the committee and all BPS leaders on the Provincial BPS Innovation Booths throughout Indonesia. In this activity, BPS Province of Bali won 1st Place, BPS DKI Jakarta Province won 2nd Place, BPS Province of North Sulawesi and BPS Province D.I Yogyakarta won 3rd Place in Favorite Booth Category.

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