Morning Call Getting ready for the Innovation Mode position - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Morning Call Getting ready for the Innovation Mode position

Morning Call Getting ready for the Innovation Mode position

January 3, 2022 | Other Activities

The first Morning Apple in 2022 feels different than usual. The layout is decorated with a backdrop that reads "Statistical Collaboration Towards A Rise and Resilient Indonesia" and the Red and White flags on the right and left of the 'new' podium where the Head of BPS, Margo Yuwono stands to lead the Morning Apel which is held online and offline (limited). Apart from Middle and Primary High Leaders, Statisticians and Prakom Main Experts from BPS were also present to listen to the apples from Building 3 Floor 1, Monday (3/1/2022). "Hopefully BPS will not only exist but 'real' be able to provide data according to the government's needs for national development," said Margo. Furthermore, Margo also hopes that BPS will not only process data, but also be able to provide insight into government policies. Several government programs, namely national economic recovery, extreme poverty reduction, and the effectiveness of government social assistance need support from BPS. All ranks of BPS leadership and employees are invited to prepare themselves to be in the position of 'innovation mode' in the face of mega disruptions. All employees are expected to be able to see opportunities and conditions for various changes to create various innovations so that they can contribute to making BPS a growing organization. Margo expressed his appreciation for the various awards and achievements during 2021. In addition, Margo also advised to carry out proper planning, mitigate risk, and collaborate and coordinate well so that the challenges and tasks of BPS in 2022 can be passed together. There are at least three major activities this year, namely the SP2020 Longform, preparation for ST2023, and the 2022 Cost of Living Survey that must be a shared concern.
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