2021 Data Needs Survey (SKD) Briefing - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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2021 Data Needs Survey (SKD) Briefing

2021 Data Needs Survey (SKD) Briefing

June 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

On June 15, 2021, BPS DKI Jakarta Province conducted an online Briefing for the Data Needs Survey (SKD) 2021. Besides being used for evaluation, SKD also assesses the availability of data and information needed by users as a manifestation of one of BPS's visions as a provider of quality statistical data for Advanced Indonesia. The general objective of SKD is to obtain evaluation materials from consumers in order to improve the quality of data and statistical information and to improve services. SKD data collection activities will be carried out until August 2021.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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