Briefing of Survey Officers for Large and Medium Industries BPS Regency/City 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Briefing of Survey Officers for Large and Medium Industries BPS Regency/City 2021

Briefing of Survey Officers for Large and Medium Industries BPS Regency/City 2021

March 25, 2021 | BPS Activities

Briefing of the officers of the Large and Medium Industry Survey (IBS) and the Construction Survey for the 2021 fiscal year is one of the efforts made to guarantee the quality of the Large and Medium Industry Statistics (IBS) data and Construction Statistics data. These two surveys are classified as surveys that have a high level of difficulty, so that the response rate achievement so far has never reached one hundred percent. The success of data collection, the quality of data collection results is largely determined by the ability and understanding of officers regarding the implementation procedures as well as the concepts and definitions used. In addition, it must also be accompanied by the discipline to follow and obey every procedure that has been set in each stage of the enumeration. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all officers who carry out the survey are equipped with sufficient knowledge so that it is necessary to conduct a briefing for the officers of the Large and Medium Industrial Survey (IBS) and the Construction Survey.
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and government policies, both central and regional, aimed at preventing the spread of the Corona virus (COVID-19), it is necessary to change the procedure for organizing training or briefings, from what was originally carried out through face-to-face teaching and learning forums in the classroom to training or training. briefing virtually / online. This is done so that it does not conflict with the government's policy to keep a distance but the objectives of training activities or briefings can still be met.
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