DKI Jakarta Province Input Output Table 2016 Release - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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DKI Jakarta Province Input Output Table 2016 Release

DKI Jakarta Province Input Output Table 2016 Release

June 7, 2021 | BPS Activities

Hello #SobatData, there's a new release here

"Input Output Table for DKI Jakarta Province 2016"

The 2016 DKI Jakarta Province Input Output Table is one of the materials for economic analysis and economic projections in development planning as well as input for the development of classification, coverage and estimation methods in the procurement of basic economic data.

Table I-O is a statistical description in the form of a matrix that presents information about transactions of goods and services as well as the interrelationships between units of economic activity in a region over a period of time.
certain. The preparation of Table I-O is intended to provide statistical data that is comprehensively able to describe the interrelationships and interrelationships between economic units as well as an analysis of the impact of changes in final consumption by households, government, and companies (consumption, investment, and exports) on the economy in DKI Jakarta.
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