2019 DKI Jakarta Province IDI Release - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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2019 DKI Jakarta Province IDI Release

2019 DKI Jakarta Province IDI Release

August 6, 2020 | BPS Activities

The existence of Jakarta as the nation's capital is a magnitude in the vortex of the political epicenter in Indonesia. For the umpteenth time in the last decade, Jakarta has again made its mark as the most democratic province in Indonesia. With the achievement of the democracy index of 88.29 (good performance), Jakarta has far outstripped other provinces and even the national achievement of only 74.92 or is still in the medium performance category.

This increase was driven by improvements in aspects of political rights by 8.43 points (including an increase in voters turn out in the 2019 Legislative Election) and aspects of democratic institutions by 4.07 points (including improvements in budget transparency in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government). However, Jakarta still leaves some homework to be done for a number of other indicators.

More at s.bps.go.id/idi-0820
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