SE2016 Map Updating Training and Supporters - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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SE2016 Map Updating Training and Supporters

SE2016 Map Updating Training and Supporters

March 23, 2015 | BPS Activities

Up-to-date statistical working area map sketches are indispensable for planning and implementing census and survey activities. In preparation for the 2016 Economic Census (SE2016), the SE2016 Map Update and its Supporting Activities were carried out. The results of all these activities are expected to help smooth the implementation of SE2016 both in terms of planning, field implementation, processing, analysis and presentation of data. The officers involved in the SE2016 Map Updating activity and its supporters are National Instructors, Regional Instructors, Supervisors/Investigators and Officers. In general, the implementation of the SE2016 Map Update Inda Candidate Training and its supporters in DKI Jakarta Province went smoothly. Coordination between the National Instructor and the participants went in harmony, so that there were no technical problems. The training took place from 23-27 March 2015.
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