Urban Village Potential Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Urban Village Potential Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province 2021

Catalog Number : 1105016.31
Publication Number : 31000.2239
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : November 21, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 11.02 MB


Village Potential Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province 2021 is a BPS publication series that is published once a year which presents the results of the 2021 Village Potential Data Collection (Podes). This publication contains an overview of village-level government administration areas throughout DKI Jakarta Province according to the potential of the village, the availability of infrastructure in the village, and also the challenges faced in the village.The data and information presented in this publication are classified into: Village Potential, Village Vulnerability, and Village Infrastructure. The Village Potential Section consists of : general information of village, demography and employment, settlement and environment, anticipation and incidence of natural disasters, education and health, social and culture, entertainment and sports, transportation, communication and information, security activities and facilities, economic infrastructure and industrial, village finance assets, social protection and stunting, and information of village government. The Village Vulnerability Section consists of information: settlements in vulnerable areas, environmental pollution, anticipation and occurrence of natural disasters, health problems in the community, social problems, and security disturbances. Then, the Village Infrastructure Section consists of information: education infrastructure, health infrastructure, and economic infrastructure. Data and information presented at the national level are provincial level data aggregation. Meanwhile, a similar publication at provincial level is also made which presents the aggregation of data at regency/city level.This publication is expected to be a reference for data and information of infrastructure and regional potential for development policy makers at DKI Jakarta Province, researchers, academics, and other various data users. Early detection and phenomenon of infrastructure availability and potential among regions are captured in the various tables presented in this publication.
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