Agricultural Potential of DKI Jakarta Province Strategy Towards Sustainable Urban Agriculture - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Agricultural Potential of DKI Jakarta Province Strategy Towards Sustainable Urban Agriculture

Catalog Number : 5106070.31
Publication Number : 31000.24044
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : September 30, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 17.33 MB


Agriculture plays an important role in sustainable urban development, including in DKI Jakarta. Although known as a center of business and government, Jakarta still has agricultural potential that needs to be explored, especially in the horticulture and fisheries subcategories. Changes in these subcategories can have an impact on environmental sustainability and the welfare of city residents.
The publication of Jakarta's Agricultural Potential: A New Map of Sustainable Agriculture is present amidst government and community efforts to build a more adaptive and resilient agricultural system in urban areas. Using data from the 2023 Agricultural Census and various other sources, we try to map the potential, formulate solutions to existing problems, and provide references in formulating more targeted policies.
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