Had Slowed Down, Exports Increased Again - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Had Slowed Down, Exports Increased Again

Release Date : April 3, 2023
File Size : 3.6 MB


Amid an uncertain global economy, Jakarta’s exports were able to grow positively. In February 2023, exports rose by 0.75 percent. The export increase in February was a seasonal pattern usually occurring at the beginning of each year. 
In January, exports slowed slightly due to the New Year’s holiday and will increase in the following month. The increase in exports in February 2023 was due to increased export demand for the residues and waste from the food industries, articles of apparel and clothing accessories (knitted), and animal or vegetable fats and oils. China had the highest demand for residues and waste from the food industries.
Meanwhile, the year-on-year export performance showed a different direction.
Exports in February 2023, compared to the same month the previous year, fell (minus 3.11 percent). The decline in export value was due to the fall in imports of precious metals and jewellery/precious stones (minus 32.10 percent)
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