Jakarta Inflation Creeps Up In February 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Jakarta Inflation Creeps Up In February 2023

Release Date : March 1, 2023
File Size : 3.58 MB


Entering the second month of 2023, year-on-year (yoy) inflation in Jakarta crept up again as a number of commodity prices increased. The price increases mainly occurred in the food, beverage, and tobacco category. There were various contributing factors, such as the limited supply and rising production costs.
Throughout February 2023, year-on-year (yoy) inflation was recorded at 4.07 percent,  0.24 percentage point higher than last month. Inflation mainly came from increases in the commodity prices of gasoline (0.965 percent), house contracts (0.264 percent), and household fuel (0.253 percent).
On the other hand, month-to-month (mtm) inflation was observed at 0.19 percent, up 0.10 percentage point compared to previous month. This month’s inflation was triggered by increases in the prices of rice (0.074 percent), filter clove cigarettes (0.052 percent) and shallots (0.049 percent).
Nationally, Jakarta inflation ranked 89th out of 90 cities experiencing inflation. Jakarta was the city with the second lowest inflation after the city of Waingapu. This shows that inflation in Jakarta was relatively much lower than other cities in Indonesia.
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