Import Jakarta Grow Positively Toward the End of the Year - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Import Jakarta Grow Positively Toward the End of the Year

Release Date : January 2, 2023
File Size : 2.03 MB


Despite   the   uncertainty,  the   recovery of Jakarta’s  economy  was  seen to show a  positive   direction.   Amid the   global recession threat, domestic economic activity was relatively stable. Although Jakarta’s economy has not fully recovered and remains  cautious  of the  challenging condition  of the  global  economy, several economic indicators in Jakarta showed an improvement, as shown in Jakarta’s import performance, which remained favorable in November 2022.
Imports  of Jakarta accounted  for  US$ 6,988.13 million in  November   2022. Towards  the end of the year, imports  of Jakarta grew 9.29 percent compared to the previous  month.  In this  period,  the  9.89 percent import growth of the non-oil and gas sector mainly triggered the rise in import performance.
Furthermore, on a year-on-year basis, imports of Jakarta grew 9,74 percent. This rise was triggered by an increase in all broad economic  categories  (BEC) classifications. The highest import growth in this period was the consumption goods by 15.81 percent. It was followed by the import of capital goods by 12.86  percent and intermediate goods by 7.64 percent. The positive growth in this period showed that the economic recovery of Jakarta gradually improved compared to the previous year.

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