Manufacturing Sector Rebounds, Imports of Raw and Auxiliary Materials Surge - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Manufacturing Sector Rebounds, Imports of Raw and Auxiliary Materials Surge

Release Date : May 3, 2021
File Size : 1.17 MB


Jakarta - The manufacturing sector began showing  signs  of  good  prospects  after  the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was reflected  by  the  surge  in  the  manufacturing industry’s Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) in March  2021.  The  expansion  of  manufacturing sector  in  this  month  was  triggered  by  the increase of market demand, which was affected  by  the  recovery  in  social  life  and economy activities as the result of the COVID-19 vaccinations  and  various  stimuli  provided  by the  Government,  such  as  zero  percent  down payment (DP) regulation and RWA Credit (Risk- Weighted Assets) reduction for motor vehicles.

The escalation of Jakarta’s manufacturing sector  indicated  by  the  rise  in  imports  which was  23.28  percent  compared  to  the  previous month. In addition, this figure was the strongest growth of imports since August 2018, reaching 5,435.1 million US dollars.
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