Test of Clean Rehearsal Instrument I ST2023 West Jakarta Respondents of Other Agricultural Business - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Test of Clean Rehearsal Instrument I ST2023 West Jakarta Respondents of Other Agricultural Business

Test of Clean Rehearsal Instrument I ST2023 West Jakarta Respondents of Other Agricultural Business

March 29, 2022 | BPS Activities

In preparation for the Clean Rehearsal I for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023), the Agricultural Census Team, consisting of the ST2023 AGRO Team and the BPS RI Subject Matter, will conduct a trial of the ST2023 Clean Rehearsal I instrument in the Jakarta area. The trial activity was carried out for 2 (two) days, namely on 28-29 March 2022 in West Jakarta and North Jakarta. The organizers of this activity were a team from BPS, BPS DKI Jakarta Province, BPS Regency/City, as well as representatives from the KPKP Sub-dept. The scope of respondents are individual agricultural business units (UTP) and other agricultural business units (UTL) which are enumerated using the GB1 questionnaire. L2- UTP and GB1.L2-UTL. The counting method used is the PAPI and CAPI counting modes. The purpose of this activity is to test the questionnaire instrument that will be used in ST2023 later, especially to capture agricultural phenomena in urban areas so that it can be applied to all urban areas in Indonesia.
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