Survey of Business Activities during the COVID19 Pandemic - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Dki Jakarta Province

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Survey of Business Activities during the COVID19 Pandemic

Survey of Business Activities during the COVID19 Pandemic

October 11, 2021 | BPS Activities

Survey of Business Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic
To support efforts to recover the national economy and provide an overview of the condition of the business world after the implementation of PPKM, BPS again held a "Survey of Business Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period".
This survey is a follow-up survey to provide information for the government in making policies related to handling the impact of COVID-19 on the business world.
The survey will take place on October 8-24, 2021. For Data Friends who have a business, let's participate by filling out the questionnaire at the following link:
Just take 7-10 minutes. Give answers according to the conditions of the business/company for the sake of data accuracy. Data confidentiality is protected by Law No. 16 of 1997 concerning Statistics.
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